Galactic Message About Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine

‘This post was first channeled on June 17th 2022

By Commander Ashtar and Master Jesus Christ

Other information that was gathered from the same channelling will be displayed behind a private paid wall.

As things are constantly shifting at intensely transformative rates in the collective, Christ Consciousness energy and all of its light beings are on call to facilitate the ascension of many souls still trapped in or with lower vibrational frequencies. These are what are known as mass awakenings, and what we will see happen greatly in the collective this decade, as things begin to move even more quickly as they once were.

These transformations, as said above are occurring at a mass rate. Be wary of the shadows that may wish to clutch on as you further transcend past your humanely conditioned boundaries. 

Part of the most significant factors in the mass awakenings, is the restoration of the true divine masculine and the true divine feminine archetypes back into the collective  through personal integration processes, which will then reflect back and fuse their way into the collective through energetic symbiosis.

This is done by, transcending past the wounding of our fragmented, traumatised  inner masculines and feminines (we all have both), restoring them back to their own divinity. Once the balance is met, attracting a cosmic external partner (if it’s part of your souls journey) to mirror this internal harmony. 

The significance of attracting the cosmic partner and creating a physical union is this; with the inner completion of harmonisation of the masculine and feminine balance, comes the second feat which is the outward. As the collectives vibration raises, and enters into a new world, we need more and more masculines and feminines uniting  together in sacred healed partnership, in order to usher in heaven on earth through the creation and induction of more extremely sacred light beings- physical souls ready to incarnate onto the earth and immensely raise the vibration in doing so, not to mention other physical creations birthed through the shared love of the divine masculine and divine feminine .

All very exciting times, there will be many more updates to come on this front, so if this topic interests you stay in tune.’

Mary Magdalene


Photo by Roberto Nickson:

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