What are Twin Flames, Twin Souls & Twin Rays? And 9 signs to know if you have one…

*Trigger warning* This information about Twin Flames, Twin Souls & Twin Rays, has been directly channelled from the Akashic Records and does not refer, or reference any other sources of material. 

Disclaimer: twin flames, twin souls, twin rays, soul mates – not one is superior over another, each have their own unique experiences, and the labels only give deeper insight into the relationship expression and experience that may be had.

Let’s start from the beginning…we all come from source energy, and you can think of this as God/Christ Consciousness/Light. Now, in our journeys from the light, into incarnation as light bodies, some of us chose to incarnate as pairs; one being of the Divine Masculine essence and one of the Divine Feminine essence. 

This pair atomically represents the divine polarities, on an energetic level of masculine and feminine. These two souls act as mirroring counterparts for one another, to the highest and most intense level of mirroring. 

Whats the difference between Twin Flames & Twin Souls?

Distinction between twin soul and twin flames: some twin souls decide to merge as twin flames, others choose different ways as symbiosis¹. 

Twin Flames

Twin Flames merge bodies, and the same mirroring can also be experienced as a physical twin, or a merging of hearts through deep unconditional love. It is all a means of symbiosis. 

Twin Souls 

Many twin souls are also twin flames, some choose not to merge physically, but have equal measure in other ways. 

Not all twin souls have the same triggering effect. The essence of a twin soul is an energetic mirror of masculine & feminine (conventionally) – deep mirror work; as is a twin flame, which is a deeper layers…it all comes down to trauma bonding, and detangling your energy from the other; whether it be twin soul, twin flame or biological twins.  

Twin Souls are energetically balanced, that make two sides of the same coin, (but a BIG NOTE) you are whole independently from one another, two parts or pieces to create an expression of masculine-feminine unity, this comes with balance. Think of this as teamwork/balance to, two parts or pieces, that create an expression of masculine and feminine.

Deep Programming

The reason why a lot of souls chose to energetically merge (become a Twin Flame), was triggered as a trauma response during Lemurian times, where negative programmes were installed into us earthly beings; that caused feelings of separation and disconnection from universal source energy, and our divine soul counterparts. This programme is still current, running, and causing problems, within a vast amount of souls; even till this day.

Short Descriptions of Each Twin Counterpart Type

  • Twin Flame is a process of merging your soul energy with your counterpart.
  • Twin Soul is an original soul light expression from source – this is an Archetype.
  • Many Twin Souls decided to merge again further as Twin Flames, but not all Twin Souls are Twin Flames with the same soul.
  • Your Divine Counterpart is your soul counter-part that shares an atomic core with each other.

9 Signs you have a Twin Counterpart

1. Mirror work is experienced by deep triggering within each other, finding and bringing the the surface, the deepest and most unhealed and unseen traumatised parts of us, from this lifetime and many other lifetimes before. These relationships can be explosive in reaction and arguments, yet your deep atomic love always brings you back together again. You are experiencing yourself, outside of yourself, and this can be extremely triggering and painful at times, yet bring much soul growth to you both.

2. Twin souls are normally in the form of masculine and feminine counterparts at a DNA level. Although there may be some cases that Soul Twins may incarnate as a divine brother or sister pair, which may indicate angelic heritage.

3. Twin flames can be of the same gender: F-F, M-F, M-M

4. Not everyone has a twin soul. Not everyone choose to incarnate in a pair of masculine-feminine counterparts. There was a wave of souls that incarnated for mission work, it was what the universe needed at that point, to come in masculine-feminine pairs. Some souls broke off individually to fulfil their souls mission.

5. Everyone belongs to a soul group, and we all have choices to make in each lifetime. 

6. The Divine Masculine & Divine Feminine pairing is related to universal soul missions: introducing a divine pair, brings divine balance through unity and mission work.

7. Other souls chose not to incarnate with a Masculine-Feminine counterpart. They can choose to merge if they want, but they don’t have a consistent counterpart in the higher realms. They can choose souls to align with often in the higher realms, which transcends into incarnations into different relationship experiences. These souls have a larger variety of souls to choose from and work, and incarnate with.

8. When two souls merge in one body as twin flames, the souls merge as one masculine & one feminine energetic expression (perfect yin yang) in that lifetime. If you meet your twin flame in this lifetime and you are the same gender: Feminine-Feminine/Masculine-Masculine, know that you will be a different gender from the first time your souls merged. 

9. Many Twin flames formed and created from persecution and fear out of losing connection with source, self and their counterpart (which is an illusion of separation). Deep soul co-dependancy is a big lesson to be learnt by both merged souls.

Can you have multiple mirroring selves?

You can only have multiple mirroring souls, but only one twin soul/twin ray (more to come on Twin Rays)

  • 1 Twin Soul
  • 1 Twin Ray
  • 1 Twin Counterpart (could be biological twins from a lifetime)

Disclaimer: this doesn’t have to mean you will have these twin 3D physical relationships this incarnated life, it may only be aligned in the higher realms, and has not transcended into lower 3D levels at this moment in time. 

Can you have multiple twin flames?

Very unusual…typically if you choose to merge, you would only do this once.

It is damaging for a soul to merge more than once?

It is similar to soul fragmentation caused by trauma or death from other lifetimes. 

What is soul fragmentation?

When a soul is traumatised through deep pain or shock in a lifetime, it will fragment a part of itself which may stay stuck in that moment in time. Throughout further lifetimes, the soul can feeling scattered, mental health issues, dysfunctional behaviours and relationships, and a whole host of other disharmonious experiences in their life; before they are reunited with all fragments of their soul and become fully embodied once again.

Twin Mirroring: The Ultimate Trigger!

This deep mirror work, brings up lifetimes of your deepest, darkest and oldest of soul wounds to the surface to be healed

  • From past lifetimes
  • Current lifetime childhood/adult traumas

Your divine mirror souls will bring you the deepest levels of triggering, and also the deepest completions of heart connection…let’s call it 50-50 pendulum of trigger and love, until you both experience acceptance and deep healing by both counterparts…this may take a few lifetimes, its exclusive to everyones journey (so don’t worry, be kind to yourself, it will take as much time, or as many lifetimes is required for the physical harmonious union. Be happy to know that etherically, you and your counterpart are intrinsically linked and connected in the highest realms in love, connection and support for one another.  

Don’t expect it to be pretty (all the time)…your counterpart could have killed you in a past life, due to deep emotional wounding from jealousy, and then an agonising deep regret that may have followed them throughout lifetimes. These deep unresolved and unhealed traumas may also bleed that relationship wound and dysfunctionality into your current lifetime together, and if not properly addressed or healed may be causing you both anguish and disharmony within your relationship, by recreating destructive unhealed patterns, behaviour and experiences.

In future blogs, we will be discussing in further details about Twin Rays, Soul Mates and Karmic contracts.

Channeled by Mary & Liliana from In Your Element TV.  

Word Reference: we use the word “symbiosis”, which is based on psychologist Eric Fromms definition.

We would love to hear your Twin Flame, Twin Soul, Twin Ray, Twin Counterpart experiences in the comments below. Much love always xx

In Your Element TV’s 90-Day Conscious Detox & Healing Programme

Now available is In Your Element TV’s bespoke 90 Day Conscious Detox & Healing programme for adults, with products to support daily and weekly self-care conscious practices, that will support you on your journey to purify, uplift and protect your mind, body and soul…exciting times!

90-Day Conscious Detox & Healing Programme with crystals, journal, instructional videos and guided meditations.