These past 18 months have proven that fear is as dangerous as wildfire. Inundated with a tsunami of hopelessness, anxiety, and fear that seems to plague every corner of media, In Your Element TV was created to provide an alternative, solution-based, heart-centered platform to share tools and knowledge to resolve everyday personal and family issues.

Our passion is delivering accessible tools, techniques, and solutions to strengthen and improve well-being and mental health, inclusive for adults and children alike. No one needs to struggle or be lonely during these times, we are offering a hand to help folk get back on their feet again and find their inner strength.

With a world that seems to be turned upside-down, it is safe to say that the old ways of doing things are dissolving and new ways of resolution are beginning to sprout like early seedlings in spring.

The transition between old and new can be pretty unpleasant, painful, and strange at times, although not all is lost during a turbulent transition. Just as 9 months of pregnancy births a beautiful newborn baby, we are in the beginnings of experiencing something new together…we have just got to breathe through these painful contractions and hold each other’s hands through it (not too tight, we don’t want to break any fingers along the way)…

In Your Element TV is a non-profit collaboration of content creators and its dedicated production team; that is completely volunteer-based. We are driven by the desire to help folk help themselves, by sharing quality content and solutions that are easy to ingest and practice…actions speak louder than words, especially for any real transformation.

If you are still reading to this point, thank you, and hopefully we have piqued your interest as to what In Your Element TV’s is all about. Please visit our YouTube channel and watch (or consciously binge-watch) videos that you feel drawn to, by clicking the button below. 

Our team is a big believer in supporting the things in life that we love and deem as valuable, so if you love and enjoy our content and would like to support us to continue to grow and bring more quality knowledge to your screens, please head over to our CrowdFunder page: 

We look forward to seeing you in our vortex and birthing something beautiful and new together.

Your In Your Element TV team xx