Many of the IYE team have been experimenting with colours for several years. We’ve learnt what each colour means and then looked at the different ways we can apply and incorporate colour into our everyday lives. It is simpler than you may think to use the following conscious techniques, and bring positive energy into your home with colours.

Firstly, what’s the big deal with colour? Well, studies have shown that colours impact our mood. At a basic level, colours on the red spectrum are warm and energising, whilst colours on the blue spectrum are cool and calming. When you look into colours in a little more depth, you’ll find that each colour has a specific characteristic. For instance, yellow is known to uplift your mood, green is all about increasing power levels, whilst blue is great for enhancing communication.

There’s even such a thing as colour therapy, where colours are used as part of a holistic treatment into diseases or disorders. Practitioners either shine a specific colour light at a part of the body or get the patient to look at a certain colour. This type of therapy has been used for thousands of years and is still going strong today.

So why not put this conscious colour knowledge to good use and allow it to improve our daily lives?!

One of the ways people tend to use colour in the home is in the way it’s decorated. For instance, what colour walls do you have? What colour is your furniture? Even people who know very little about the effects of colour will put some thought into the way their home is decorated; they want to ensure they like the colours used and so obtain a sense of pleasure from the way their home looks. Add some knowledge into the equation and you’ll start to make decisions such as painting your bedroom a light shade of blue so that it has a calming effect and promotes a good night’s sleep.

Colour can be applied to your food just as easily. The IYE team like to think that the more colour that’s on our plate, the better that meal will be for us! Vibrant looking foods are often packed full of nutrients, so we definitely eat with our eyes a little. We’ll also pick a food according to the characteristics of its colour. For example, if we need a little more creativity in our day, we’ll eat orange foods such as an orange or a carrot. And if you don’t have any food in the colour you need, no problem; just imagine infusing your food with that colour!

The IYE team have taken to also applying their colour knowledge when considering the clothes they wear. Even the team members who were partial to black have introduced colour into their wardrobe! Colours could be considered for a top, a scarf, a necklace, or any other item we wear. No matter what the piece of clothing is, we know that just by wearing it, it will help us embody the traits of its colour, which will help us in day-to-day situations. We may choose to have a hint of blue in our clothing to help us more eloquently state our case for a better car insurance deal, whilst wearing a green top would provide a sense of empowerment, enabling us to let our partner know that it’s their turn to take out the rubbish!

As you can see, there are plenty of ways to enjoy the benefits of colour, and easily bring positive energy into your home with colours too. Just choosing one or two of these ideas will have a positive impact on your home life.

How do you plan to use colours in your home? We would love to hear your experiences on the comments below or even our dedicated colour YouTube videos…